Our Governance

The IDN has adopted sociocracy as its overall governing structure based on the following principles:

1. The Principle of Circles

The governance structure of the IDN shall consist of numerous working groups or organisations called Circles. A Circle is defined as a group of people fulfilling specific roles and cooperating for a common purpose. All Circles shall have a clearly defined purpose, responsibilities, and domain and should be double-linked to at least one other Circle.

All policy decisions, including the selection of people for Circle roles, shall be made through a process of consent that involves those directly affected. Achieving consent shall be conducted in a way to ensure that all members’ input is heard (e.g. via rounds). Members consent to a decision when there are no reasoned objections to a proposal.

3. The Principle of Equivalence

Making and reviewing decisions shall involve people who are affected by them. All Circles, and their members, shall have an equal say, and any member of a Circle may make a proposal.

4. The Principle of Continuous Evolution

The IDN as a whole, and each Circle in particular, shall be committed to ongoing feedback and continual learning about governance, communication, and the content of the Circles’ work. All policy decisions, including selections of people for roles, shall be scheduled for feedback and review after a defined period of time (its term) and may be re-evaluated at any time. Circles and members are also encouraged to test new proposals through experimentation. 

5. The Principle of Transparency

Circles shall record all information that is valuable for the IDN and make it accessible to all IDN members unless the Circle determines that there is a good reason for confidentiality.

6. The Principle of Effectiveness

Circles should devote time only to what brings the Circle and its members closer to achieving the purpose of the Circle.

7. The Principle of Accountability

Circles and their members should consider their capacities before taking on a new responsibility, so they are able to fulfil tasks they committed to. They should strive to improve the IDN and take responsibility for their work and the IDN as a whole.